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Pink Himalayan Bath Salts
Whipped Body Butter
Boujee Bliss Orange Creamsicle Scented Soy Candle
Sassy & Grassy Sweet Grass Scented Soy Candle
Jack My Beans: Coffee and Whiskey Soy Candle
Brazilian Booty Blast: Salted Caramel and Pistachio Scented Soy Candle
Fire and Fluff: Bonfire and Marshmallow Scented Soy Candle
Not Your Average PSL: Pumpkin Pecan Waffles Scented Soy Candle
Let's Pound Grape!: Red Wine Scented Soy Candle
Mom-osa!!: Cranberry Champaign Scented Soy Candle
Lemonator: Lemonade Scented Soy Candle
Groovy Ruby: Grapefruit Punch Scented Soy Candle
Warm Hug: Vanilla Bean Scented Soy Candle
Strawberry Shortcake: Strawberry and Buttercream Scented Soy Candle
Calm the F Down!: French Lavender Scented Soy Candle
Stress Less Bath Salt Soak
Shower Steamers
Natural Deodorant
Natural Lip Balm